Gaztronics EPEL Repository
I am pleased to offer my own personal repository of Rocky Linux / CentOS / RHEL RPMs that I have rebuilt from the Fedora sources in order to provide the extra functionality that is missing from the EPEL project. The RPMs have been downloaded as source-RPMs from official Fedora repository mirrors and rebuilt with an rpmbuild script on a Rocky 9 or Rocky 8 build-system (virtual machine). They are offered without warranty, so use them at your own discretion. They work on my various desktop and laptop builds, so they should work for you. Always back-up your system prior to installing 3rd party RPMs!
If the packages in this repository are ever repeated in EPEL, I will remove my version in preference to the EPEL version.
I have included the BASH script I have used to rebuild the package. Feel free to download it and use it for your own system. The scripts call others to sign the RPMs, and I have a separate script to upload the SRPMS and RPMs to the VPS hosting this. Adjust to suit your own requirements. Please note: the rsync URI path is unique to my internal systems and not available via the public Internet.
The packages offered below are for both EL9 and EL8. As EL8 has now reached the end of its update cycle (release 8.10), the EL8 packages offered here are unlikely to change. EL9 packages may track upstream versions of Fedora, depending on build requirements.
If you would like to use the repository via dnf, please install the following RPM package: sudo dnf install
Many of the packages in this repository rely on packages from EPEL, so remember to install with: sudo dnf install epel-release
Browse the contents of the repo here:
Source RPMS are available here:
Use the following command to list all available packages: dnf --disablerepo="*" --enablerepo="gaztronics" list available.
Amateur Radio packages
Info: Amateur Radio callsign-to-country look-up utility.
Install: sudo dnf install dxcc-gui
Built from: Fedora 38 SRPM
Notes: Installs dxcc as dependency.
Build script: dxcc-build
Info: Flrig is a transceiver control program designed to be used either stand alone or as an adjunct to fldigi.
Install: sudo dnf install flrig
Built from: Fedora 38 SRPM
Build script: flrig-build
Info: Gpredict is a real time satellite tracking and orbit prediction program written using the Gtk+ widgets.
Install: sudo dnf install gpredict
Built from: Fedora 38 SRPM
Build script: gpredict-build
Info: Amateur Radio International Beacon Project transmit schedule.
Install: sudo dnf install ibp
Built from: Fedora 38 SRPM
Build script: ibp-build
Info: JS8Call is an experiment to test the feasibility of a digital mode with the robustness of FT8.
Install: sudo dnf install js8call
Built from: Fedora 38 SRPM
Build script: js8call-build
Info: KLog is a Ham radio logging program for KDE.
Install: sudo dnf install klog
Built from: Fedora 38 SRPM
Build script: klog-build
Info: Qsstv is a program for receiving slow-scan television and fax.
Install: sudo dnf install qsstv
Built from: Fedora 38 SRPM
Build script: qsstv-build
Notes: Unable to test properly at present as I cannot select the correct USB sound-card for my FT-991A, although there is a
work around.
Info: Frequency scanning GUI for RTL2832 based DVB-T dongles.
Install: sudo dnf install rtlsdr-scanner
Built from: Fedora 38 SRPM
Build script: rtlsdr-scanner-build
Info: The TrustedQSL applications are used for generating digitally signed QSO records (records of Amateur Radio contacts). This package contains the GUI applications tqslcert and tqsl.
Install: sudo dnf install trustedqsl
Built from: Fedora 38 SRPM
Build script: trustedqsl-build
Info: WSJT-X is a computer program designed to facilitate basic amateur radio communication using very weak signals.
Install: sudo dnf install wsjtx
Built from: Fedora 38 SRPM
Build script: wjstx-build
Info: Automatic Position Repeater System (APRS) for Amateur Radio.
Install: sudo dnf install xastir
Built from: Fedora 38 SRPM
Build script: xastir-build
Notes: heavily tested as I use this most days.
Info: xlog is a logging program for amateur radio operators.
Install: sudo dnf install xlog
Built from: Fedora 38 SRPM
Build script: xlog-build
Useful utilities
Info: Blueman is a tool to manage Bluetooth devices.
Install: sudo dnf install blueman
Built from: Fedora 36 SRPM
Notes: Has been a little flaky on my laptop and desktop - use at own risk!
Build script: blueman-build
Info: Serial terminal emulator application - handy for configuring network switches and routers.
Install: sudo dnf install gtkterm
Built from: Fedora 38 SRPM
Notes: In order to be able to use gtkterm as a normal user you need to do: usermod -a -G dialout,lock <username> as root, replacing <username> with your username, so that your user can access the serial ports.
Build script: gtkterm-build
Info: A tool to write images of Fedora media to portable drives like flash drives or memory cards.
Install: sudo dnf install mediawriter
Built from: Fedora 36 SRPM
Build script: mediawriter-build
Notes: includes udisk package.
Info: system-config-printer is a graphical user interface that allows the user to configure a CUPS print server
Install: sudo dnf install system-config-printer system-config-printer-applet
Built from: Fedora 36 SRPM
Build script: system-config-printer-build
Notes: Configure printers via a GUI instead of messing around with CUPS in a browser.
Info: This tool enables your Gnome/MATE desktop to have different wallpapers for different workspaces or virtual desktops.
Install: sudo dnf install wallpapoz
Built from: Fedora 38 SRPM
Build script: wallpapoz-build
The detection routines in wallpapoz fail to detect MATE. You can fudge this by changing line 107 in /usr/share/wallpapoz/lib/ to the following: self.window_manager = 'MATE'. Logout and in again and wallpapoz should start to work.
You may need to create an autostart entry in ~/.config/autostart called wallpapoz-autostart.desktop and it needs to contain the following:
[Desktop Entry] Type=Application Name=wallpapoz-autostart Comment=Wallpapoz Autostarter Exec=daemon_wallpapoz Terminal=false X-Desktop-File-Install-Version=0.15 Hidden=false |
If you would like to use the repository via dnf, please install the following RPM package: sudo dnf install
Many of the packages in this repository rely on packages from EPEL, so remember to install with: sudo dnf install epel-release
Browse the contents of the repo here:
Source RPMS are available here:
Use the following command to list all available packages: dnf --disablerepo="*" --enablerepo="gaztronics" list available.
Unable to rebuild
I have been unable to rebuild: blueberry (Bluetooth control); dnfdragora (update notification daemon), and mail-notification (deprecated libgnome-devel dependency).
Update 3rd March 2024 New - blueman added to provide GUI Bluetooth control. Deprecated - I have dropped trustedqsl as later versions require wxGTK-devel, so I suggest using the Flatpak version. I have also dropped gqrx as the build-dependencies changed and no longer build without replacing upstream gnuradio version. I suspect this will become a larger problem as EL8 is left behind EL9.
Amateur Radio packages
Info: Amateur Radio callsign-to-country look-up utility.
Install: sudo dnf install dxcc-gui
Built from: Fedora 36 SRPM
Notes: Installs dxcc as dependency.
Build script: dxcc-build
Info: Flrig is a transceiver control program designed to be used either stand alone or as an adjunct to fldigi.
Install: sudo dnf install flrig
Built from: Fedora 36 SRPM
Build script: flrig-build
Info: Gpredict is a real time satellite tracking and orbit prediction program written using the Gtk+ widgets.
Install: sudo dnf install gpredict
Built from: Fedora 36 SRPM
Build script: gpredict-build
Info: JS8Call is an experiment to test the feasibility of a digital mode with the robustness of FT8.
Install: sudo dnf install js8call
Built from: Fedora 36 SRPM
Build script: js8call-build
Info: KLog is a Ham radio logging program for KDE.
Install: sudo dnf install klog
Built from: Fedora 36 SRPM
Build script: klog-build
Info: Amateur Radio International Beacon Project transmit schedule.
Install: sudo dnf install ibp
Built from: Fedora 36 SRPM
Build script: ibp-build
Info: Qsstv is a program for receiving slow-scan television and fax.
Install: sudo dnf install qsstv
Built from: Fedora 36 SRPM
Build script: qsstv-build
Notes: Built with a little sed to remove deprecated openjpeg dependency. Unable to test properly at present
as I cannot select the correct USB sound-card for my FT-991A, although there is a
work around.
Info: Frequency scanning GUI for RTL2832 based DVB-T dongles.
Install: sudo dnf install rtlsdr-scanner
Built from: Fedora 36 SRPM
Build script: rtlsdr-scanner-build
Info: Automatic Position Repeater System (APRS) for Amateur Radio.
Install: sudo dnf install xastir
Built from: Fedora 36 SRPM
Build script: xastir-build
Notes: heavily tested as I use this most days.
Info: xlog is a logging program for amateur radio operators.
Install: sudo dnf install xlog
Built from: Fedora 36 SRPM
Build script: xlog-build
Useful utilities
Info: Compiz is one of the first OpenGL-accelerated compositing window managers for the X Window System.
Install: sudo dnf install compiz compiz-bcop compiz-manager compiz-plugins-experimental compiz-plugins-extra compiz-plugins-main ccsm fusion-icon emerald emerald-themes
Built from: Fedora 36 SRPM
Notes: Rebuilt as I like the 3D effects on the MATE desktop. Use at your own risk. Seems to work well with nVidia cards. I am unable to use it on my AMD GPU powered laptop. The rebuild includes the emerald decorations.
Build script: compiz-build
Info: Blueman is a tool to manage Bluetooth devices.
Install: sudo dnf install blueman
Built from: Fedora 36 SRPM
Notes: Has been a little flaky on my laptop and desktop - use at own risk!
Build script: blueman-build
Info: Serial terminal emulator application - handy for configuring network switches and routers.
Install: sudo dnf install gtkterm
Built from: Fedora 36 SRPM
Notes: In order to be able to use gtkterm as a normal user you need to do: usermod -a -G dialout,lock <username> as root, replacing <username> with your username, so that your user can access the serial ports.
Build script: gtkterm-build
Replaces out-of-date distro version!
Info: The Hewlett-Packard Linux Imaging and Printing Project provides drivers for HP printers and multi-function peripherals.
Install: sudo dnf install hplip
Built from: Fedora 36 SRPM
Build script: hplip-build
Info: A tool to write images of Fedora media to portable drives like flash drives or memory cards.
Install: sudo dnf install mediawriter
Built from: Fedora 36 SRPM
Build script: mediawriter-build
Notes: includes udisk package.
Info: system-config-printer is a graphical user interface that allows the user to configure a CUPS print server
Install: sudo dnf install system-config-printer system-config-printer-applet
Built from: Fedora 36 SRPM
Build script: system-config-printer-build
Notes: Configure printers via a GUI instead of messing around with CUPS in a browser.
Info: This tool enables your Gnome/MATE desktop to have different wallpapers for different workspaces or virtual desktops.
Install: sudo dnf install wallpapoz
Built from: Fedora 35 SRPM
Build script: wallpapoz-build
The detection routines in wallpapoz fail to detect MATE. You can fudge this by changing line 107 in /usr/share/wallpapoz/lib/ to the following: self.window_manager = 'MATE'. Logout and in again and wallpapoz should start to work.
You may need to create an autostart entry in ~/.config/autostart called wallpapoz-autostart.desktop and it needs to contain the following:
[Desktop Entry] Type=Application Name=wallpapoz-autostart Comment=Wallpapoz Autostarter Exec=daemon_wallpapoz Terminal=false X-Desktop-File-Install-Version=0.15 Hidden=false |
Page updated: 4th November 2024